Hello everyone,
Riding my new bike I'm finding that because the oil/fuel mix is on the oily side (running in at 16:1)
and where my little tailpipe is located , It's spraying oil, not much but enough to annoy me on the back wheel and the pants near my ankles.
Now my question is ...would it be worth it to run a pipe from the muffler to say behind the rear axle ??
and I'm thinking that because of the angles the muffler might slowly start filling with oil. Could that eventually happen ?
Should I just put up until it is run in because theoretically it shouldn't be as bad at 25:1, should it ?
1st pic standard
2nd pic pathetic photoshop pretend pipe
Riding my new bike I'm finding that because the oil/fuel mix is on the oily side (running in at 16:1)
and where my little tailpipe is located , It's spraying oil, not much but enough to annoy me on the back wheel and the pants near my ankles.
Now my question is ...would it be worth it to run a pipe from the muffler to say behind the rear axle ??
and I'm thinking that because of the angles the muffler might slowly start filling with oil. Could that eventually happen ?
Should I just put up until it is run in because theoretically it shouldn't be as bad at 25:1, should it ?
1st pic standard
2nd pic pathetic photoshop pretend pipe