I recently bought a mountain bike with an engine on it it cost me £190 of ebay.Not sure what engine it is all i know is its chinese.Anyway at first i though it was great for the first half hour anyway.I seem to just get problem after problem. first the exhaust fell of then i had trouble with the spark plug Then today i set of on my journey only for the chain to come of, i managed to sought this out after about an hour set of again then got a puncture fixed this then later thought i would go for a spin.this was the worst one yet. the whole engine just jolted and spun round and snaped the spark plug and the wires.the questions i have is im certain there should be more then 1 bracket holding the engine to the bike and how do you stop everything from coming loose i have swaped a few nuts for nylock nuts that seemed to have worked but any solutions would be great.oh and i aint that good when it comes to mechanics.thanks
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