Well-Known Member
look at it harder and it will come clear...try squashing the spring, and when the cable nipple pops out the bottom of the slide...grab it! reef it out sideways! remember that slot the cable goes in goes towards a tiny lil pin in the carb.
forget adjusting the needle, what you need is a smaller main jet. the needle does the mids. the lows as well on these. but has no affect on WOT!
the trusty old method for people that dont like buying small drills and chucks or new jets? very fine copper wire soldered into the jet. one strand of the wire from a headphone lead, at a time, test riding in between, until you put one too many in. then take that one back out, and maybe the 2nd last one too, just too keep it on the "safe" side of right, ie...slightly rich.
setting the fuel tap to a certain spot is not the way to do it
Thanks very much for the reply! No doubt you give good advice! I am starting to see that WOT mixture is controlled by the main jet.
I tell you, though: I did manage to take apart the carb needle slide and I adjusted the c-clip one more position to 4 towards lean. The next move to lean would be the end. I DID see improvement at WOT, with the moto revving up to 24-25 before refusing to advance Rpms further. It's not as surgie as it was, but its still too rich.
I just don't want to diddle with the carb when there are so many things to monitor on this bike. On tonight's ride, it was the muffler trying to work loose. Yesterday, the chain seemed a bit tight. It's always something!
Here's the way I am thinking about mixture: airplanes have mixture control, going from full rich to full lean. I figure since I have a certain touch with the fuel valve, I have options. Since the motor runs great and idles well at "full rich", I'll just run it that way when I am at low to moderate speed. When I hit an open stretch of road, I tweak the full valve, lean it out and get my 26-30 mph cruise on. It's not difficult at all.
I never run this thing WOT with the fuel valve constructing flow.
Yeah, I am being stubborn.
Gotta give you guys props: you all figured this problem out very quickly for me and I thank you!