Need info on Underbar Tanks

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does anyone have the standard chinese underbar tank? would you tell me if it would work on my bike, please?
anyone have something that would work?


thanks in advance for any help 8)
Are you talking about that flat looking tank ??? if so it would fit but it goes on a school boy rack and from what I have heard they work great .

If you are talking about the one that looks like a whizzer built in tank I do not know but simson might be able to answer that one.

Tired of hitting your knees ?????LOL

Auig the best thing you could do is to have the tank made for Sabrina by one of the welders in the area or if you are set up to do it u make it .

I always thought one of those heinakin barrels would look kool painted silver and mounted on the back with a copper tube running to the engin :)

i messed up the dimensions & was fixing it when you posted... :o

this is the one dax offers, but he wasn't able to be much help on the details:


it's 7cm wide, cool. it's 42cm long, also cool.

but, he says it's 12cm that the main body, or only the bulge in the back?

i could and would fabricate, but i have no equipment available, that's why sabrina is a bolt-on beauty instead of a custom ride.

cookie said:
Tired of hitting your knees ?????LOL
no, smartpants :P i'm just trying to go for an old-timey look 8)
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I'll bet the 12 cm is the tallest point. I'd be more concerned about the mounting And your frame size. ask duane how far apart the mounting studs are. if it's tight, it will give you an excuse to get creative!
you could gain a little room with a shorter spark plug. (champion cj7y) overall .... looks like it'll work. you sure won't need much gas line.
thanks , srdavo...a different plug (ty for the part #) and boot would buy me more room. the width is no problem, the studs seem to be about 40-45 mm apart. BUT will the filler tube be jammed against the top-tube, i wonder?

maybe i should just go into buy/sell/trade and see if someone wants to make and sell one to me...
rah.... the fill tube is prolly more offset than it looks in the pic, but I bet it will be tight. hmmmm? ask
like i sed, i did, he just couldn't give me details, i can't afford to spend money on mistakes :???:
I saw one of those in person once. I was considering one myself, but the guy wanted more money that I had to spend. He told me about Dax though. I have heard that there are two types of these tanks. One with the bulge at the bottom and one without. I posted thoughts on building a tank out of 3"copper drain pipe. here's the reference:
psuggmog (Other Engine)
Forum: Picture Gallery Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:56 pm Subject: Saabsonettguy's blast from the past.
I have been working on an underbar tank made from 3inch copper DVW pipe. I don't like the readily available flat sweat on endcaps so I working on hammering out rounded ends. It takes repeated anneali ....

This tank could be made with a cheap propane torch since it could be soldered together. I also tried a tank from a british seagull outboard motor. I wrote about that also:
psuggmog (Other Engine)
Forum: Picture Gallery Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:12 pm Subject: british seagull
The tank looks good, is made out of brass, 2.2liter, has a beautiful fuel shut-off kinda like a AJS,BSA,Matchless,Norton,Vincent,Velocette etc. might of had. The mounting would be easy too. The only real problem is that the fuel filler is almost in the center at one end of the tank. It would have to be moved or the tank installed crooked. They are painted black but here are pictures of black and a stripped one.



Maybe you can find one in your neck of the woods seeing as how you're on the coast.