Where to buy instead of California Motorbikes?

Well I have to admit, I am more confident about buying from CMB than Amazon or Ebay, and Zane's involvement here is some helpful. I may still consider future purchases, but admittedly all the recent talk raises concerns.
Zane had sent me replacements for defective product. Amazon is convenient but I don't trust anything other than what's motorized on Amazon besides the Phantom 85 V3 which is from bicycle engines anyways. Modification s.. by all means go for it.
I have no dog in this topic. It seems you have 2 different crowds here either disliking or liking the company. I'll give the owner credit for posting here and dealing with the issues head on. He's not hiding, if you don't like the way he does business then don't buy from him.
Ditto. I don't really have favorites at the end of the day. If a company is selling something I want or need and they have at least a semi decent reputation I will usually pull the trigger. I just go into it expecting to be burned, and if not it's a pleasant surprise.

Would it be nice is there were companies selling proper high quality bicycle kits? Absolutely. Would anybody buy them? Likely not that many since the initial cost would likely turn a lot of people away. People in this hobby are weirdly cheap in a mix of right and wrong ways lol.

Imagine a completely legal bicycle engine kit that was basically a Stihl 026C but bolt on and go ready. 48cc with 4.5hp and 5ft-lbs with a 13,000rpm limiter that retained it's forced air cooling. Even if it was purposefully choked off down to the legal 2hp limit, but could be easily unlocked up to over 5 if desired with little effort. Who wouldn't want to rock that? Phantom/Avenger power in a legal CC package and without any cooling issues... ever. Even if it cost 2-3 times that of a typical quality kit, I would buy it if it had he reliability of a Stihl.
Ditto. I don't really have favorites at the end of the day. If a company is selling something I want or need and they have at least a semi decent reputation I will usually pull the trigger. I just go into it expecting to be burned, and if not it's a pleasant surprise.

Would it be nice is there were companies selling proper high quality bicycle kits? Absolutely. Would anybody buy them? Likely not that many since the initial cost would likely turn a lot of people away. People in this hobby are weirdly cheap in a mix of right and wrong ways lol.

Imagine a completely legal bicycle engine kit that was basically a Stihl 026C but bolt on and go ready. 48cc with 4.5hp and 5ft-lbs with a 13,000rpm limiter that retained it's forced air cooling. Even if it was purposefully choked off down to the legal 2hp limit, but could be easily unlocked up to over 5 if desired with little effort. Who wouldn't want to rock that? Phantom/Avenger power in a legal CC package and without any cooling issues... ever. Even if it cost 2-3 times that of a typical quality kit, I would buy it if it had he reliability of a Stihl.
I also would like to thank Zane for sending me replacement parts. Also through all my orders. I asked him to ship UPS. he always is on top of not disputing that. I have only found one thing internally wrong with his product. That is the oil seals and bearing should be replaced by defualt. Now I sound like a broken record. But once you tear apart a motor. It's the simplest thing ever with the right tools.

Now on forth the Minarelli. It's a great deal. Sure the crank isn't fancy balanced. Nor have i fully ran it yet. But here's what I'll tell ya. All these Minarelli kits require modification if you're looking to get the best out it's preformance. If you have the proper tools and time to read. Believe me It's worth it!

I'm sure the Avenger is ok too, just as long as you replace a few of these things i mentioned before.
Ditto. I don't really have favorites at the end of the day. If a company is selling something I want or need and they have at least a semi decent reputation I will usually pull the trigger. I just go into it expecting to be burned, and if not it's a pleasant surprise.

Would it be nice is there were companies selling proper high quality bicycle kits? Absolutely. Would anybody buy them? Likely not that many since the initial cost would likely turn a lot of people away. People in this hobby are weirdly cheap in a mix of right and wrong ways lol.

Imagine a completely legal bicycle engine kit that was basically a Stihl 026C but bolt on and go ready. 48cc with 4.5hp and 5ft-lbs with a 13,000rpm limiter that retained it's forced air cooling. Even if it was purposefully choked off down to the legal 2hp limit, but could be easily unlocked up to over 5 if desired with little effort. Who wouldn't want to rock that? Phantom/Avenger power in a legal CC package and without any cooling issues... ever. Even if it cost 2-3 times that of a typical quality kit, I would buy it if it had he reliability of a Stihl.
Next project I'm doing just that, putting a chainsaw powerhead on a bike.
Next project I'm doing just that, putting a chainsaw powerhead on a bike.
A 2100 Husky would be a power house. They come up for sale around here quite often. Definitely a job for a jack shaft set up.

I had a quick look, they aren't cheap. 800 for a nice one.

Here is some trivia. What does Husqvarna mean? A house that mills grain. Hus=house Qvarn= grain mill. Some Finish guys told me that.
Well I bought my first kit there and it works great still. Still with everything I read on this forum I can't see taking thew risk and making further purches which sucks. They really do have great prices, but I just don't see how I can trust making any further purchases.

So is there anywhere with comparable prices? From what I have seen everywhere ese was MUCH more expensive (like what CM would have for $150 other places want $300 for), except Amazon and Ebay?

Is that my only options?

Oh and to the California Motorbikes guy, don't bother trying to talk me into buying again. You're just too shady and too many folks have called you out, all I hear are a lot of excuses. I don't expect you'll be around so much longer with such a well earned and crappy rep either....
Amazon has for 199 I got one and no problems