Ditto. I don't really have favorites at the end of the day. If a company is selling something I want or need and they have at least a semi decent reputation I will usually pull the trigger. I just go into it expecting to be burned, and if not it's a pleasant surprise.
Would it be nice is there were companies selling proper high quality bicycle kits? Absolutely. Would anybody buy them? Likely not that many since the initial cost would likely turn a lot of people away. People in this hobby are weirdly cheap in a mix of right and wrong ways lol.
Imagine a completely legal bicycle engine kit that was basically a Stihl 026C but bolt on and go ready. 48cc with 4.5hp and 5ft-lbs with a 13,000rpm limiter that retained it's forced air cooling. Even if it was purposefully choked off down to the legal 2hp limit, but could be easily unlocked up to over 5 if desired with little effort. Who wouldn't want to rock that? Phantom/Avenger power in a legal CC package and without any cooling issues... ever. Even if it cost 2-3 times that of a typical quality kit, I would buy it if it had he reliability of a Stihl.