I am looking for two more gas tank mounting brackets. bikeberry is currently out of stock except for an extra wide version. I find nothing on ebay or amazon. gasbikes.net didn't seem to sell them. Any ideas?
You can also make your own quite easily from "plumbers strapping"...DAMIENYou might try 'U' shaped pipe hanger straps (carried at most hardware stores). View attachment 156261
Oooh...now that sounds good. I haven't mounted the tank on my Murry frame yet. I'll look for some today on my way home.rubber lined U brackets
Yes this is why I need two more brackets. I'm doing a mod I saw in a video that corrects for this very issue.Be careful tightening down those nuts. It's been known you can pull the studs out of the tank if the weld job is sub par. When it starts leaking you've got a real issue. Remember where they're made.
I have some rubber lined brackets that I was intending to use but they are two big. I just bought a map torch to bend my exhaust though, and I will use this to reshape them, then cut and drill a new hole on one end.The electrical section at most hardware stores has rubber lined U brackets
Yes, I had a feeling that a U bracket with holes spaced wide enough would be too big to clamp to the top tube. I brought one of my tank brackets with me today so I can try matching it to whatever hardware I might find (it's worth a try). Fortunately, I do have a pair of tank mounting straps.but they are two big
Hey brother could you post a link to that vid?Yes this is why I need two more brackets. I'm doing a mod I saw in a video that corrects for this very issue.