I recently purchased and installed a GEBE Tanaka 40cc kit with the Velocity rim and although it was a bit expensive, it has proven to be an excellent product.
I have been riding on it for about two months through the streets of Boston (which if you've ever been to Boston, you know they are pothole and traffic riddled) and have had no problems at all. The kit holds up well to the bumps, goes up hills with minimal assistance and screams on the straights. I put this kit on a lightweight aluminum bicycle frame and at over 200lbs I frequently pass cars in traffic on busy streets.
The velocity rim is strong and has kept true despite hitting a few of the potholes I've mentioned and the belt is holding up nicely.
As for the customer service, I found them helpful and friendly and the shipping was fast and kit nicely packaged.
All in all...a great experience.
The only thing I'm worried about is my obsession with building another one.
After owning a GEBE Robin/Suburu 35cc setup for 5 years plus, I must say that the engine is of utmost quality. I've had belt issues with the kit, mainly because I'm one BIG dude..lol. I can't seem to hurt that little engine, after 5 years, but have went through many, many drive trains for the little thing. I only wish the belts were $10.00, and the gears $5.99, but we know that isn't the case. After well over a year owning a set of GEBE Velocity Wheels, I will say that these wheels are phenominal. I got the .105 guage spoked rear wheel, and have adjusted the wheel bearings only once after about 300 miles. I weigh in at over 300 lbs, and haven't broken a spoke on the 105 Velocity, nor have I needed to tighten the rear wheel bearings after well over a year since the initial adjustment. If the belts/gears were much less expensive, I'd give this kit/vendor five stars easily, but must go 4 out of 5, after spending hundreds of dollars on belts/gears over the last five years. Customer service is very good, none the less...great folks to deal with.
After owning a GEBE Robin/Suburu 35cc setup for 5 years plus, I must say that the engine is of utmost quality. I've had belt issues with the kit, mainly because I'm one BIG dude..lol. I can't seem to hurt that little engine, after 5 years, but have went through many, many drive trains for the little thing. I only wish the belts were $10.00, and the gears $5.99, but we know that isn't the case. After well over a year owning a set of GEBE Velocity Wheels, I will say that these wheels are phenominal. I got the .105 guage spoked rear wheel, and have adjusted the wheel bearings only once after about 300 miles. I weigh in at over 300 lbs, and haven't broken a spoke on the 105 Velocity, nor have I needed to tighten the rear wheel bearings after well over a year since the initial adjustment. If the belts/gears were much less expensive, I'd give this kit/vendor five stars easily, but must go 4 out of 5, after spending hundreds of dollars on belts/gears over the last five years. Customer service is very good, none the less...great folks to deal with.