Well-Known Member
OK, well I do have a new engine though. I don't think there is a high chance of this being a problem so early on. Maybe I'm wrong though. have you had this problem on any engines with only a few hours use?
If not, I really think I just busted the engine by not draining the original oil.
IIRC, my first carb problems appeared after about 3 months of use. I rebuilt the carb and it worked fine for another 2-3 months. Repeat until carb quit working, replaced with another. 3 months later, repeat routine. Went through 3 carbs and at least a dozen rebuilds of each of those carbs between 2010 and 2018. For me, they seemed to last between 2 and 3 years before stubbornly refusing to work at all RPM ranges. After replacing my intake and carb with an adapter and "2-stroke carb" I haven't had a problem. My brother's Honda GXH50 had the same issue, he's on his 4th carb as well. I don't think it's your oil that caused the problem.
Do you think I'd be better off with a different engine? I want something that is reliable. I am not really in this for racing or as hobby (it will probably inevitably become that haha). I just want something for efficient transportation. I do have a lot of hills in my area though, so I do need some power too. I looked at the original Honda version of this Huasheng, but there is no built in clutch, so it would require an extra assembly causing more cantilever. I'm just curious what you more experinced people would reccomend for an engine.
Aside from the wonky factory carbs, the Huasheng engines are very reliable. I've never had a non-carb mechanical problem with my engine itself in almost 9 years and 11K miles, it's only needed a replacement starter. I've averaged ~120MPG over the years, so it ticks the "efficient transportation" box quite nicely. A single quart of oil is good for 4 oil changes. The real Honda version is nice and all, but it's still susceptible to the same carb problems. The Honda costs over twice as much, but it's only a slightly better engine. The clutch thing you think is an issue is not an issue whatsoever, as the clutch for a "5/8" shaft engine actually comes with the transmission, not the engine as with tapered-shaft. Some Huashengs are set-up the same way as the GXH50, like mine.