Chrome? Perhaps *black* chrome, or 'dark nickel' - that, or polished aluminum. Personally, the usual species of chrome looks, uh, garish? Like it's *too* bright?
(I don't handle bright lights all that well, so perhaps that's why.)
Besides, nickel isn't *that* hard to do at home. (the plating aspect, that is. Getting that nickel to *stick* under semi-abusive condtions requires scrupulous cleaning - and, perchance, importing a shaman from Siberia...)
I'm working on rotary table t-nuts right now - got a batch of eight needing about another two hours' time, then heat-treating, and finally phosphating. Speaking of which, phosphating (better known as Parkerizing) gives a 'no-rubbish' dark gray matte finish on steel. I'm still learing about it, so it's not yet that predictable.
K&N - good deal, especially if it's a decent-sized one. Within reason, one cannot go too large on air filters. I've seen some kart engines using coffee-can sized examples. Add a rain-shield, and it should do well.