PK80 Wildcat Ported from California Motorbikes is Garbage

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Considering what we start with for an engine...quality..ect., I think stuffing is way over rated in our application. The actual stuffing gains would have to be determined on a dyno to be realized.
There's many other things on the entire bicycle/engine that can be refined to help speed.

Here's a read-only's too old to post on...but covers some case pressure ratio and stuffing...

100% agree with everything said here. There are a lot of things people do with these engines because it works on other engines. *cough* boost bottles *cough*
My piston was cracked I have went through 2 pistons and 4 sets of piston rings and dude won't help my situation out at all I can't even get him to return emails most of this time I have had my ported Wildcat since end of October still won't start and all he's done is sent me 1 replacement piston. The intakes were absolute trash dont know how that passed his hand inspection before sending out orders. I still waiting for a reply for an email from 1.5 weeks ago. I sent him an email telling him ive gone through 2 pistons and the rings and still can get it to start and all he said was what's ur fuel/oil mixture.
Text him.

Just to confirm this is the SECOND motor I've gone through and both have broken at the beginning of their break-in point. Cause: Oil seal in magneto side blows out from high compression due to internal crank bearing having NO SEALS on either side.

This by default should be considered a BAD QUALITY CONTROL. Almost purposely known to boost sales. They should have at least one BEARING SEAL ON each bearing facing the magneto and crank. But nope Zane claims it's to penetrate them with oil. I call bollacks and sleezy business practice.

Secondly the manifold meant to mount the PZ16 carb ARE GARBAGE. Both kits REQUIRED me to dremel out EXCESSIVE solder left over from factory assembly. These motors are ticking time bombs. I don't understand how a business in over 10 years standing cannot correct these issues. I have wasted over $400 on these! One replacement motor without the CNC head and another with the CNC head and motorized bike kit. Absolutely horrible experience...

First motor blew piston after the oil seal on the magneto side blew out and partially due to the carb running a little too lean.

Second one, now my motor refuses to start after the oil seal blew out. I quickly had some quality Viton seals and installed on the blown magneto side. Now the engine just sputters and comes to a hault. Spark, magneto, cdi are ALL FINE.

There is no way to determine what else it can be without tearing the crank case apart! definitely not the crank side! I just put over 310 miles on it running a little rich and it was running amazing until this happened yesterday!

Wildcat PK80 bottom cranks are garbage! I have purchased two Wildcat Ported Racing engines, both the same problem! I highly suggest Zane UPDATE and correct these issues immediately.

I have a Minarelli as a paperweight and will REFUSE to run it until i split open the case and modify to correct these CARELESS problems. This is complete cancer.

The only benefit to owning this motor is to keep the GTZ cylinder as a carbon footprint to match the port work.
Thank you a bunch. I didn't know they were not putting seals on the the inside. Man that 101 have to is what I was taught. And they are supposed to be at the top of the motorbikes pyramid. I have ther 6hp on it's way and I will darn sure check before anything else is done. I have discovered sthil 044 chainsaw seals work great on some of these.
And they are supposed to be at the top of the motorbikes pyramid.
Not even close these days...The top of the Pyramid is and all their products come complete with a soup to nuts 6 month warranty.

Others here in the forums including myself buy our motor kits from them and yes, I have had to use the warranty myself and so have others...They never gave us any song and dance about it and those of us that do business with them are quite pleased.

You might want to read our "Dealer Reviews" section of the forum of Zanes recent bouts of dealing with defects in his products and no warranty situations.

Zanes last year or so has been abysmal at best when dealing with customers who are also members of our forum and report back everything.

Start reading from about this point in the link below and follow the other links within as well to get a total gist of the current situation with CMB.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. If they need support from me, they should contact me directly.

Across all vendors, there has already been several hundred avengers sold in the United States. The feedback overall has been very good on them.
Just like the phantom, even though there are hundreds of people having very good experiences with them, there’s still a few people who have experienced failures. There is no . You cannot compare the quality of these engines to others I've looked at,some are getting alot more money for lesser quailty. Bike Berryis one of these. Not worth your time for the money. I researched these for 5 months and I chose california motorbikes with that forefront in my mind.I am not politically correct. An Ace is a Ace and A Spade is a Spade. Califorina Motorbikes is the way to go if a motorized bike is what your looking for and don't want the headache of custom building one. Everyone is going to have a few hiccups. Blowing seals? Bulls**t they were doing more than they are admitting. A bad seal will go almost immediately after you fire up or overheat or run the seal dry. All human error. I've done it. Don't like admitting it much. But hey happens to the best sometimes.
You cannot compare the quality of these engines to others I've looked at,some are getting alot more money for lesser quailty.
Oh, Yes I can compare...I have bought two of these so far and both run beautifully and both deliver great low torque for take off power and reach over 50 mph with no stress.

Here is a picture of one of the two, I put thousands of miles on my motors and have above average quality with what they send to me from


I won't go into any sort of pissing contest one against the other but there was a time I gave Zane the benefit of the doubt and within a year he went back on everything he said he stood for with our members here in the forums.

Don't take my word for it though since I would never buy from him, wait until others here in the forums get back to you when they see yet another newbie on the forums sticking up for him after he has not been a stand up guy to the forums members.

The two posts in this link below says alot about what Zane is REALLY about as well, telling people to NOT report their problems in public forums???...REALLY???

I researched these for 5 months and I chose california motorbikes with that forefront in my mind.
I have more than 5 months under my belt in experience as before my second and last retirement, I was an ASE certified master mechanic for over 20 years and have been building these bikes of ours for over 10 years now since my retirement.

This is my everyday ride in pics below...I definitely know what I am doing.
