-PORTED GTZ 3rd Transfer Port Injected Split Port Cylinder-Window Piston-Reed Valve1-6mm Race Carburetor-Trued Bottom End (38mm Rod)CNC Head- best quality aircraft grade solid cnc ENGINE ONLY, and race parts shown in photo.- Not a full kit. Select "Yes" on "make this a complete kit", and for...
Just to confirm this is the SECOND motor I've gone through and both have broken at the beginning of their break-in point. Cause: Oil seal in magneto side blows out from high compression due to internal crank bearing having NO SEALS on either side.
This by default should be considered a BAD QUALITY CONTROL. Almost purposely known to boost sales. They should have at least one BEARING SEAL ON each bearing facing the magneto and crank. But nope Zane claims it's to penetrate them with oil. I call bollacks and sleezy business practice.
Secondly the manifold meant to mount the PZ16 carb ARE GARBAGE. Both kits REQUIRED me to dremel out EXCESSIVE solder left over from factory assembly. These motors are ticking time bombs. I don't understand how a business in over 10 years standing cannot correct these issues. I have wasted over $400 on these! One replacement motor without the CNC head and another with the CNC head and motorized bike kit. Absolutely horrible experience...
First motor blew piston after the oil seal on the magneto side blew out and partially due to the carb running a little too lean.
Second one, now my motor refuses to start after the oil seal blew out. I quickly had some quality Viton seals and installed on the blown magneto side. Now the engine just sputters and comes to a hault. Spark, magneto, cdi are ALL FINE.
There is no way to determine what else it can be without tearing the crank case apart! definitely not the crank side! I just put over 310 miles on it running a little rich and it was running amazing until this happened yesterday!
Wildcat PK80 bottom cranks are garbage! I have purchased two Wildcat Ported Racing engines, both the same problem! I highly suggest Zane UPDATE and correct these issues immediately.
I have a Minarelli as a paperweight and will REFUSE to run it until i split open the case and modify to correct these CARELESS problems. This is complete cancer.
The only benefit to owning this motor is to keep the GTZ cylinder as a carbon footprint to match the port work.