Ive stopped, Ive thought about this already.
Thats how I came to my conclusion Mr Barnfresh.
Yes, stronger springs will change the clutch engagement RPMs..................BUT....................
Just puting a few washers behind the original springs will not create stronger spring tension, it will only make the springs want to push the shoes outward easier/earlier.
If it was as easy as placing a few washers in there lots and heaps of members would be doing this instead of spending there hard earned on tougher springs.
I guess we will just have to wait for old mate to try it to see what will really happen??
Also lightening the clutch shoes by drilling weight from them will also make them slightly easier to pivot, thus making engagement earlier..................
Placing a few washers behind the springs is not creating more tension at all.
You can use the search engine on this site to find that the drill hole method to lighten the shoe is proven and tested. Since I have a bunch more torque I plan on using both the drill the hole method and maybe 2 or 3 washers.
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