Why so mean?

I have posted a few questions in the past and I have read many questions from other guys and I read some very mean responses. Why? These are guys just like you who are trying to have a little fun and need a little help from time to time. I don't read the replies any more because of the high level of anger displayed. I am certain that I will get some hate mail just from these few comments. I love building motorized bikes and I really like to help other guys to avoid mistakes.
What you're going to get here is opinions and you know what they say about opinions , Everybody's got one and they're just like assholes they all stink! There are people on this thread who have given me a lot of hard times When I first joined and told me quote" If you're going to be in this foreign Forum expect to be treated like s**t" I said some derogatory things back to him and I have not heard anything negative back from him we are now friends. Just remember a lot of these guys this is all they have in life they just sit in a little room with a computer and a bunch of Motors in a couple wrenches and that's it that's all they do all day long and all night long. It's like I used to call my big-brother the tiger in the tree as soon as you slip and fall and they're ready to pounce. Just remember you're smarter and better than them and once in awhile you got to give him back some of their own medicine,