bye bye motorised bicycles in NSW :(

The government places high priority on keeping people alive who fit into 3 very important categories: gamblers, smokers and drinkers, and ideally a person who participates in all three to excess.

These people are the most prized cash cows for any government. They also happen to be risk takers, which is why the government needs to protect it's investment, by protecting those persons from themselves; keeping them alive as long as possible.

Unfortunately the protection of the governments profit line, ends up entrapping responsible citizens in overarching laws and regulations that invade our every day lives.

At the end of the day, it's all about money, and "NOT" lives, because if it were about lives, the Australian government wouldn't be sending 600 troops to the front line, on the demands of an overseas power with imperialistic ambitions to rule a uni-polar world.
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i can't count how many times I see a kid under 16 riding a 110cc pit bike (no lights) on public streets in my neighborhood with no helmet, wearing only gym shorts and flip flops. More Laws and Regulation will do nothing to stop that. Unfortunately, those kids will end up learning the dangers of the road the hard way.
So, the kid died...RIP. Not too pleased with the parent's response though: that somehow his kid would still be alive if there was more regulation. Sounds like the typical responsibility-denying parent here in the USA. Story says the kid was riding without a helmet and no lights at night. He was also running from the cops.

His bike had a least a front disc..


It looks like a wide residential cross road, maybe 30MPH limit.
He was apparently riding in the middle of the road with no lights so the cops popped the lights on to tell him how stupid he was being and he ran.

The bike looks like it should have been a good bike.
We don't know, but even if it was pristine who the heck would sell a motorized bike to a 14 year old?

Tragic for sure.
Irresponsible 'push the limits' teens die by the thousands every year, and god knows I could have been one myself at that age, but it happens.

My condolences to the family but who I really feel for is the woman with 4 kids that had an unwanted front row explicit view of a teenager splatting into the glass right in front of her face and the ensuing mayhem.


She's gonna get some serious PTSD and have nightmares for the rest of her life.