Firmstrong Chief Engine Mounting


Local time
7:15 PM
Mar 31, 2009
So as a very tall rider I've only been able to find one cruiser style bike made for guys my size... the firmstrong chief. BUT! it obviously has a weird shape to the part of the frame you would do a frame mount for your engine, due to its forward crank.

Im gonna use one of the platform mounting apparatuses (grubee skyhawk set I think?) with a honda engine and I have no idea if that piece will fit (even with some modifications) inside the chief frame.

Has anyone done this before or does anyone think this can be done?

All opinions are appreciated! Chief Man Matt Black013109.jpg
I do not believe the stock mount from grubee will extend out long enough for that opening but I'm sure it can be adapted to fit/work with a minimal amount of fabrication/work. You might look at some of the recent photos from EZM Kit builds It seems that most of the builders that have used these kits have done some custom mods to their mounting plates. There was on particular builds that had a really HD aluminum mount that might provide some ideas as to how to span the distance of your frame. Here is a link to the Hd Mount

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