Legality of gas powered "ebikes" in New Hampshire?

So the other night a bike or wheeler is hauling ass down the trail and a cop with his sirens behind it... 🤣 He never touched his brakes... I didn't see It but heard everything... And hour or so later the wheeler went back by...


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I live in New Hampshire, where motored bike laws are a little strict. According to a New Hampshire government page, an ebike is loosely defined as "any motor-driven cycle whose speed attainable in one mile is less than 20mph. The cycle must have functional pedals and a motor that has less than 750W." A moped isn't properly defined by the DMV, but states what isn't a moped. Summarizing the page, a moped must be under 2HP, under 50cc, under 30mph max speed, and have an automatic transmission.

I managed to find a gas engine kit rated 1.4HP at 8000RPM and 25cc. I was thinking of adding an RPM limiter to decrease the power to <1HP/<750W. It was a cheap kit that I doubt would safely handle 8000RPM anyway. It would be a single-speed gear ratio, so I don't know if that counts as an automatic transmission.

I feel like it's the kind of thing that if I ask the DMV, I'll get different answers depending on who I ask. So, where do you think this would this fall, Ebike or Moped?

This is about the best I could find regarding NH law...Please also be aware that in NH, local laws and requirements may also apply over and above State law.

To the best of my knowledge even when I lived in NH for almost 20 yrs before i moved to NM 11 yrs ago, A motorised bike is considered at the very least, a moped and must be registered, insured, and the rider must be licensed for this class of vehicle...I think at this point, due to your age, Ebike is your one and only option as it is legal for a 14 yr old to ride one.
This is about the best I could find regarding NH law...Please also be aware that in NH, local laws and requirements may also apply over and above State law.

To the best of my knowledge even when I lived in NH, A motorised bike is considered at the very least, a moped and must be registered, insured, and the rider must be licensed for this class of vehicle...I think at this point, due to your age, Ebike is your one and only option.
The M/B rules look pretty clear to me they follow the Moped rules.
The M/B rules look pretty clear to me they follow the Moped rules.
The sad thing is many of these states which require registration don't have procedures like Florida's RS-68 which allows you to build a self built moped using a bicycle frame. Many of the state's requiring registration will only allow certified manufactured mopeds. They generally have an updated list put out every 90 days of certified manufactured mopeds.

So if the OP isn't going electric he needs to find out if NH will even allow you to register a self built moped.
To the original poster. Your DMV should have a statue regarding bicycles / motorized bicycles. Find it and post it up here.

Here is New Mexico's law:

Section E. Motorized Bicycles​

Revised November 30, 2017

Motorized Bicycles are not considered to be mopeds or motorcycles.

By current MVD practice, motorized bicycles are considered to be bicycles (not mopeds or motorcycles) and are not subject to the titling and registration requirements of the Motor Vehicle Code.
I can’t find anything about bicycles directly from the official DMV, only from the site (not government owned). From what I know though, motorized bicycles are considered mopeds.
I was hoping I could find a loophole that would push a motorized bicycle into the eBike category. I’m not old enough to get a license, and regular eBikes are pretty expensive.
You would think the Live Free or Die state would have the most relaxed regulations. Bicyclists don't have lobbyists...