My farewell thread :(

My previous post is irrelevant. I understand why, given the statements and approach that was taken, why you would feel unwelcome Large. I wish you luck in all your future endeavors.

This whole "legal" thing has me wondering......what if the feds come out and say MAB's are illegal....ALL of them? Will everyone just fold up and stop riding them, because they only do what's "legal". I think we must be careful how "correct" we are and what our motivations for being that way are.

I am gonna miss your input John
it's too bad that a few pot-stirrers had to cause all this
it does appear that most that have left are now on the other 'less-political/BS' site
I would like to stay in contact with you if you wouldn't mind
my contact info is below :)
The other thread got out of hand and was pulled. All WE'VE done it to continue that thread here, lets stop.