my top speed...not so



He everyone, I've seen lot of you saying that your hitting top speeds around 30-35mph but i can't seem to to get my kings f80 to do more than 20 mph i think it's tuned to the best of my knowledge any suggestions would be helpful
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that is so not enuff info, have to take us thru where you're at now, current settings and such, before anyone would have a clue.
First how are your plug chops? Nice chocolate or white grey or black? Plug gap correct? and plug of an aftermarket origin? Have you replaced the intake gasket? the red ones dissolve and you go lean and then dead. Is the engine broken in? What fuel mix ratio? What is the aprox. weight of the bike and rider? These are all factors and there are more, which can have an effect on the top speed. Give us the sit.rep. and we can go from there.
well i got the motor a week ago rode it every day, instruction say 20/1 mixture so that's what it is, bike is 36 lbs rider is 230 in take gasket is good plug is good had trouble tuning carb but it runs best on the highest notsh of the needle i tried the others and it got progressively worse while riding the throttle hits a spot and the engine sounds awesome and there is a lot of power but only for a second
thanks 8)

if you're still in a healthy break-in, i'll guess the surges are the rings getting close to a nice seat...varying your speed every coupla miles or so will help.

when it starts to gain more power thru the range, i'd suggest trying the second mixture slot down again before changing the pre-mix ratio. it sounds like you may be in a really lean condition right now.

if the performance is consistently low, you gotta go after a leak. if the intake and carby are good to go, closing the choke should kill a warm engine.

that's not all, but it's some...try kicking back & reading thread after thread for a while, there's a surprise around every corner here :)
well everyone i think i was trying to rush things a little the more i run it the better it runs and faster it goes. i have also taken the time to count and i have a 44 tooth sprocket
If it's speed you need....break in your engine well and get a smaller rear sprocket then HOLD ON!!!
how small of a sprocket is good i have a 44 tooth and i don't really know which company is the best yet, i have a power king 80 my next one will be from dax