San Diego (CA) ?


Local time
12:31 PM
Apr 2, 2008
I guess this is more of a question than a "get together", but it could be both!

Where's a nice, safe, place to ride in San Diego? I live on the North end of the county, and close to Torrey Pines/La Jolla/Del Mar. Our roads are so congested, it freaks me out a little to ride in traffic. Any suggestions?

Anyone ever want to form a ride in San Diego? Maybe ride up around the beaches or something?
Safe Places to Ride

Hey erickster! I live up in the Scripps Ranch area. San Diego is a tough place to find easy safe biking. However I am told that a great place to ride is called Miramar Resevoir. It's supposed to be nice open semi-paved roads with no cars and lots of bikes. Not sure how far away you would be from there. I ride my motored bike about 3 days a week to work and it is a darn scary sometimes crossing major roads. But I love the looks from the kids in the school buses.

I think a beach ride would be really cool. If we can get a couple more of us together let's do it.
Yeah! I'm guessing it's a little safer when you're riding as a group. Know anyone else in SD who has motorized bikes? My girlfriend wants me to build her one. When I first looked into it, she said she didn't want one, but when I was done, she did! I knew she would. ;)

have fun but...

:cool:Hi good luck on your get together...we wen't for a ride with 6 of us...word to the wise...someone with a working headlite should lead and have side mirrors! the last guy should have a working tail light...i was ususally in the middle because my bike had none of these at the time...have a distinct route, or you can run into each other...the only guy who should deviate is the leader...once you get outta traffic then you can go side by was our ride: have fun and happy safe motoring!:eek:
Jmnmaui, are you talking about Miramar lake? If so, I've ridden around that lake on my bicycle. It's nice, but I'm not sure how people would feel about motorized bikes on those paths. Maybe I'm just uptight, but there are a lot of joggers/bikers/roller bladders, etc that trail. Could be okay though! As far as the ride goes-- it's okay-- but it doesn't beat our beaches. I'd love to ride from delmar to la jolla, but again, parts of those roads are small! Could be worth it though-- so pretty.
Yeah, Miramar lake was it. For the most part, I don't think riding our mobikes around there will make anyone angry, but you never know. I know there are more of us motored bike people here in San Diego. I know at least one electric bike owner who works in the same company as me. Do you have a specific beach route in mind?
No, not at all-- just sort of crossed my mind. As close to the coast is what I'd assume. Torrey Pines Rd? Dunno!
Where to buy motorized bicycle in San Diego

I am new to this site and have been doing a lot of research and cannot seem to find anyone in San Diego (or close nearby) that sells/fits bicycles with gas motors. I don't want a ebike. Coming from Holland we always had motorized bikes. I see that I can order a kit online etc, but I really am not technical (53 year old woman) and just want to buy one ready made preferably here in San Diego so I can try it before purchasing.
Hey, bike shops in San Diego - gas prices are so high, why not start building motorized bikes.
Can anyone give me some advice re what motor I should have for a road bike - it must be as quiet as possible. I have seen motors mounted on the frame between the legs but that would seem not optimal - doesn't it get too hot. And another criteria I have is that I would like to take the bike on longer trips rather than just shopping around the beach area.
Can anyone give me some suggestions and help.
Many thanks and the future is to get out of our cars.
I'm currently sporting a frame mounted grubee skyhawk II on an old donor mountain bike. As long as you get some wider pedal cranks you don't have to worry about burning your legs :eek:. I also like being able to use my trunk rack for storage. However the trunk mounted engines also have some nifty advantages too.
As for longer trips what will limit you won't be the engine but the bicycle itself. If you check out the photos section you'll see just about everyone puts frame mount engines on Schwinn cruiser bikes or similar. They have nice big comfy seats, comfortable handle bar locations and a good riding position.
As a last recommendation I would go with a 4-stroke bike so you don't have to premix your fuel. But that's just my personal preference. :D
I don't know of any bike shops that would do a conversion for you. You'll probably have to ask a mechanically inclined friend. I was considering offering the service but decided that I would leave it to the pros like spookytooth.
