

It's cool they are 1.75. My brother inlaws friend bought on. Only problem is it is built in Cina just like my cranbroke was. I want some real 1.75 wheels, and not some wheels that are going to bend the first time I decide to do a stupid stunt. I don't know what to do. I don't want to have to pay for some expensive wheels, but I don't want to have ones that bend all of the time either.
A lot of the bending would be from small guage, cheap spokes. A wheels strength is in the spokes. I suggest .125", or at least .105" stainless.
Check out my new handle bars

Hey, couple little changes new decale and handlebars.


It'd be good to hear a report on these when you've built one. From the manufacturer's specs, these seem like good, cheap, bicycles that would be perfect for motors. They'd make a perfect "starter kit."