Turning an ebay CNC 12cc head into a 7cc powerhouse.

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It’s not even your technique that is the issue. It’s the fact that you’re shotgunning it. The only benchmark you have for performance is a speed clock that you have no idea when is the last time it was calibrated. I’m a creative person as well, but if I’m going to deck a head, I’m going to measure compression and find a formula to know how much I can safely increase compression and how much material to take off to get there, then measure again and see if I’m where I want to be. If the squish band was curved, you probably could have improved performance as much as you’re going to by simply planing it flat. I make do with whatever tools I have and look for ideas and different ways of doing things as much as possible. But I try not to shotgun things.
As previously stated by the moderator
And I think we really need to leave it at that.

The back and forth with different opinions on the right or wrong way of doing things in this thread is not going to change his mind or your mind from what I can see...It is a waste of time on both your parts to continue this.

To each his own...Lets just put an end to this now so I do not have to lock yet another thread for the never ending tit for tat dissertations...Thank-You.
Bruce and Jay...You can BOTH knock it off right now...I have deleted both of your many postings fighting back and forth like a couple of high school sophomores...This thread is now locked and if either of you keep this up, I do not think I will have to tell you exactly what action I will take.
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