Band brakes are better than no brakes
Thats about all it boils downs too in our books...
I agree,,, a schwinn band brake has a fraction better stopping power than our rim brakes,,,
Our trikes also have rim brakes up front,,, we can use both brakes for stopping,,, more or less of either brake """front or rear."""
Will the Schwinn band brake lock up the rear wheels on dry pavement at 100 degrees,,, you bet they will...
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In matter in fact,,, the Shwinn band brake by its self alone can skid this 6 too 700 lb set-up too a grinding halt in the distance of a few feet...
Try that with the best quality rim brakes... Ha
At 25 mpr easy...
Plus,,, the Shwinn band brake would last a long time in our biking situation,,, becuase we tapp it kool on our rides,,, why would a person go roaring up too a intersection too slam on the brakes all the time too wear them out...
Why not get off the gas and let the bike slow down,,, and use both brakes for coasting/ gliding too a slow comfortable stop...
Oh well,,, makes no difference too our grouop of riders what others do,,, all we know is how we treat our equipment
Brakes are brake,,, they """all""" work good for us because we take pride in looking after things,,, brakes and everything...
Would it be wize too switch brakes on something that has a good brake,,, frugal too replace or re-line when the time comes...
Inspect and maintain is easy too do using a band brake that is all ready there...
I am not out too argue the point of the best of the best
If that was the case,,, how come we dont chime in on the best boat dragging anchor out there...
If a person wants stopping power,,, pitch a boat anchor off our pedal bike that its attached too the frame of our bikes with a 3/8th cable and see how fast we stop... Lol
My anchor is better then your anchor
Yo Yo Yo