Then don't put the air filter cover on then...take the plastic retainer out of the housing that holds the foam in place and just screw that onto the carburetor rather than trying to fit the entire air filter housing on where it won't fit.
Sometimes, you have to use ingenuity and just think out of the
Your elevation above sea level in Sioux City is bewtween 1000 to 1500 ft above sea level...Make sure that your C clip on the needle valve of the BoFeng carby is set in the very middle postion on the needle valve.
Be sure that when you mix your gasoline and oil that you have 6.4 ounces of CONVENTIONAL 2 cycle oil such as Valvoline multi-purpose 2 cycle oil that you can get at Autozone, mixed with one gallon of gasoline, preferably Ethano-Free gasoline and that you have actually mixed it in a 1 gallon gas container and NOT the gas tank, because you have to vigorously shake that mix ration together in the jusg before pouring it into the tank...Otherwise it is not mixed properly and can cause you all sorts of problems.
This 6.4 ounces oil per one gallon of gas has to be done for breakin purposes for at least the first 300 miles with a Phantom and you must break it in NOT going all Ga-Ga wide open throttle with it while it is breaking in and vary your throttle speeds all during the breakin period as well.
Only go to synthetic oil AFTER breakin is over with.
Also, after every single heat cycle, that you retorque your four bolts on top of the cylinder to 144 inch pounds of torque every single time so your not leaking fuel and sucking in air from the bottom gaskets...You may well have to do this for the first 200 miles until everything seats in correctly.