Scratching my head and then I find I need Handlebar help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Large Filipino
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AHHHH!!! (runs outside and checks for fitment)

No. It won't fit. I'll need a welder and bring that hub foward more.
That's a sweet setup.

Here's what I'm talking about:

But then maybe I can somehow bring it out....sigh.

But you know....all the parts are there to switch out the frame and keep the axle and hub....then there would be room.
It would be very similar to your bike.
I'm gonna lose sleep tonight!
it's gonna take alot of work, $$$, and where or how would you mount the engine????? l went with an electric 36volt hub(front wheel)for my trike

l know the trike has sentimental value, and don't want to ruin it, maybe electric would be better for the trike. just a thought......later LP
What a clean install. You wouldn't even know at first glance.
That may be the answer to my ruler as well.
I like your child seat. That trike is cool!
It hit me while I was at work today.
I was fishing with my guys (yes. And getting payed too. My job RULES) and was brainstorming that chineese engine install on my trike then I thought "Why can't I fabricate two triangles to bolt on to where the coaster brake is and RAISE the whole assembly enough so the sprocket would clear? The bed wouldn't be much of an issue. I can always make a clearing for it later...or raise the bed enough for...two 26" wheels in back!
Wait. Those 20 inchers are heavy duty,though. I bet it would still look cool even with the bed elevated.

Yea,the electric idea would be probably less headaches but it cost a lot and I'm poor. I think that Japaneese engine is what I can afford now...and it would look so cool if I can pull this all off.

Oh man. I need to get that kit. Right now I'm just blowing wind.
Large Filipino said:
Those 20 inchers are heavy duty,

With the standard 44 tooth sprocket & those 20" wheels, you will have lots of low end torque for hauling loads & climbing hills. You will lose some top-end speed. But IMHO, trikes don't need to run 30+ mph.
I was thinking some more today and thought it would be real easy mounting a 5 horse Briggs on that bed. That sheet metal's pretty thick. Use a chineese gear and mate it to a centrifical clutch and salvage a starting switch and starter for the engine from a riding lawn mower and install a battery...THEN...cover it all in a cardboard box so initially it just looks like a trike pedal bike hauling a cardboard box where you just pedal it around until you decide to push your start button then zoom away like a bangee in front of completly stunned onlookers.
Maybe wear a devo hat and cool clothes too.
It would rule.
I just ordered a happy time from Devrou on e-bay.
Then I bought a mountain bike on craiglist for ease of installation.
It has 21 gears and it has the twist shift and hand brakes so it's gonna get a little clumsy up there. I'll go up and take pics here in a minute. I think I'm gonna go with a thumb throttle. I don't know yet what to do about that clutch.
I would prefer a cruiser bike but the hand brakes give me some security.
I feel like a kid,man!
This is insane!
Is Devrou well known here?
I can't wait.
I can't wait!

(edit) Here's some pics of the bike. It's a Diamonback. Unsure if it's aluminum. Original owner thought it was heavy. I think it's way light.
Three things I already don't like about the bike. That handlebar just has to go along with that gooseneck. My belly too big to lean over like that so unnatural. I'll look for maybe some high rise handlebars. Maybe ape hangers. Shoot. Maybe just a BMX handlebar laying around.
Then there's those clip on pedals. Those need to go.
My biggest fear though is that back wheel. It's one of them quick disconnects with ZERO adjustments.
Maybe I can move that motor up and down.....who knows.
Maybe it will just fit right.
I want it now! :)


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