Photos & Bicycle Builds

Pictures of motorized bike projects and bike builds. Vote for the best build!
ok there has been alot of bikes but none have out lasted the Blue Butterfly 8000+ miles on a tiger 80cc motor and still rollin' hard even when it 121' in the shade I've got one in the shop thats going to go around the US one day here's the photo of the trike that I'm building (this is not it just the bike that I'm using as a guide) by the way this is me and here's the bike as far as i've gotten and now the scap yard more to come later...Lw
Well, here's another bike. Transferred all the parts from my old broken Evans onto this Columbia mountain bike frame. I'm pleased with how it turned out. Hardly vibrates at all compared to the other one, and I was able to monkey the chain in such a way that I didn't need the tensioner. Never did quite trust that chain tensioner, feel better without it. Anyway, here it is.
Well, if it works, here are the latest pic.s of the 1950 Schwinn DX / Whizzer NE-5 I'm building to ride to Indiana. It's coming together nicely now... Side view- Front view- Rear View- Here's a couple of pic.s of one of my smaller storage areas with some of my toys/projects- and another; "the Barnstormer" project in the back is my rack mounted 'Island Hopper' friction drive system, modified with an old skateboard wheel- These are the results of combined boredom, a gas torch, and some Captain Morgans. I had some old wrenches in a box, and started goofing around with them. After I twisted them, I spied a couple of old brake levers, and well, with some cutting and brazing, you see the result. Dunno what I'm...
I decided to upgrade my batteries from 7ah to 22ah. So I had to remove the ammo cans (which I really liked) to install the saddle bags. Had to get more space for bigger batteries . . . These saddle bags I got are totally sweeet tho . . . I found them on Ebay brand new I think I paid $40 including shipping. . . Whatcha Think?
Hi guys, I am new to Motoredbike. This is my first attempt and it really is comfortable for a fifty year old 250 lb. man. Had to make some conversions but alls well that ends well. Tell me what you think and hinters if you gottem. Thanks
cheers all and exc. jobs Bill Snow and Jeffspeeder. Both very nice Exc. idea with the intake and the pvc I was reading a thread in a different forum a few days ago where we were discussing the viability of an artificial supercharging system. It would basically consist of a small campstove propane cylinder or something similar filled with compressed air.running an airline through a regulator to a neumatic push button switch on the handle bars and then on to the carb. A couple of us are playing with the idea a bit but I haven't heard of anyone having a fully functionable system setup as yet. Could be interesting. I've also been looking for a chrome airhorn or something similar to use as an intake and to point it...
As promised here are some pictures of my previously mentioned rat bike.It is torn apart right now since I am working on modifications. The copper tubing in the first picture is part of a new tank mockup. It is a 1936 Hawthorne frame, 1950s Monark springer fork, 1930s schwinn brakes: front drum, rear cantilever, 9 speed rear hub: Sturmey archer AW threespeed hub with a cyclo triple hub sprocket shifted by an mid 1960s chrome plated bronze Campagnolo Record derailleur. I modified handlebars from a small dirtbike by brazing a Campagnolo braze-on downtube shifter, and brazing on cable guides made from the inner rollers from bicycle chain. The 1950s era three speed hub is shifted by a 1930s vintage top tube shifter mounted on the...
Got done putting it all together a couple of weeks ago.... I took off the rear fender, and eventually the front one.... also want to get a 36 tooth sprocket and Direct hit spark thingy.. and i also need a new clutch cable, although I've been without one since Februaryish when i got it... it kinda broke before i even started the bike...
Here it is. Still haven't got a chance to ride it due to Michigan's schizophrenic weather patterns. Less than two weeks ago it hit 81 degrees, and this morning when I left the house at 5:30 it was 25 degrees. Go figure. If it hits 40 degrees tomorrow I'll get it going. Anyway, I believe the frame and most components were manufactured by a company out of Plymouth, MI called Evans Products. There's a good chance I am mistaken, but this is where my homework has led me. They bought out a bicycle company sometime in the fifties and began producing bikes for department stores for a short time. Each store would affix their own decals and brand name on them and sell them. I bought this bike for five bucks from a junk collector man...
Man my little 80cc '63 Schwinn Speedster runs like gangbusters! ~Mine is the red one with the Whizzer tank, in front~ I was buzzing up and down the road, and around the neighborhood; she scoots like you wouldn't believe! I know I'm hittin' thirty on it. I need a speedo and test car to know exactly where I'm at but... And it has great torque going up hills. I've yet to try the smaller (but steep) hill that I use for test runs, but I'd bet she'll tear it up. :devilish: