Al Regresar
Well-Known Member
The Chinese have a saying, ‘The nail that sticks up get’s hammered.’ I was that nail in graduate school that refused to comply and become a clone. I couldn’t help it and ask obvious questions in a doctoral program no less.Playing Dungeons and Dragons?
Granted, if we are broken and living in a fallen world, humanity with limits in our understanding always gets things wrong. Why not be honest about it and not intellectually lazy? God endowed us with brains to use, not waste.
Also, there were also political overtones: I am conservative amongst very liberal (majority) theology at that particular setting. No matter, I am comfortable and even happy with who I am today and that was part of my education as a working professional student.
As it turned out, that particular world is very small and life and the universe continue merrily on. Of course, this answer could also just be self-serving caca del toro. In any event, back to why we are here: MBs and I did bring the subject up. I hope that with this long winded spiel I answered the original question.
Note: this diatribe probably belongs in Miscellaneous Ramblings. My apologies.