New Guy

If an EMP strong enough to take it out happened, my first worry would be concerning the power to my house and my computer.
:giggle:Solar Flare might cause damage if it was hit directly......How high do you plan on driving....and how fast.

Not sure but I think it is solid state.....others may be able to answer, I have not found an answer for you so a thread in the 2 stroke forum might be a good place for you to start.

Ever read One Second After?

The ol' Edsel was the only thing running.

Thanks for the link to the first build.

Talked to a local guy - he has a new in the box Grubee Star Fire GT4 for $185 out the door.

I guess Walmart has a cruiser for under $100 too.
The CDI replaced the Points in an engine distributor. The point gap had to be set with a feeler gauge during tuneups or a dwell angle meter. I once caused a sizeable carburator fire in my buddies 455ci Buick because I set the point gap too wide.
Yes, the CDI unit is solid state, which makes it even more vulnerable to EMP than a component assembled device would be, typically.