Newest Phantom 85 Information


Staff member
Local time
9:34 AM
Jul 23, 2020
Alamogordo, NM, USA
Since my Zeda 80 is down for the count at the moment and is really seized up tight, It's gonna be a while before I really tear everything apart and get it running again.
I found the top of the piston to have a full carbon build up on it as well as fine particles of metal lying on top, so I am going to take my time here, maybe a winter

In the meanwhile, since the State of New Mexico has just sent me a $500.00 direct deposit to my bank account today as a fuel cost reimbursement to me, I have decided to buy the Phantom 85 motor which I could not have done otherwise...Good timing on the States

I had a long talk on the phone this morning with and have been assured of the very latest, newest, rendition of the Phantom 85 with all known problems corrected, In particular, It has the newest needle bearing for the crank.

There are also some changes in the break-in proceedures...This is the Email they sent me after talking with them so it could be posted in our forums for our members to have the right information, especially if you order one from Amazon, (Which I did to save $32.00 in shipping costs since I have Amazon Prime for free shipping), which is in error about the break-in ratios as well as duration of the break-in period printed in its ad description on the Amazon website which I notified that this must be corrected...This is a MUST FOLLOW proceedure for them to honour the 6 month warranty that they also have on the Phantom 85.

"Hello 'DAMIEN',
Here is the new break in ratio for the Phantoms

New Engine (<310 miles): 20:1
After Break In: 25:1

Also the Phantoms are now coming with the needle bearing so all should be good on that end.
It was a pleasure talking with you today and hope all works out well with your Phantom engine kit 😊"
So just to make clear what they say is correct break-in so it is totally understandable for everyone,

Phantom 85 motor break in.
20:1 = 6.4 ounces oil = 310 miles for break in proceedure.
25:1 = 5.12 ounces oil thereafter.

So, Thanks to the State of NM for that 500 bucks, looks like I get to be the Guinea Pig on this one and will have to keep you all informed of any problems etc. that I may encounter, as hopefully all the good things as
Since my Zeda 80 is down for the count at the moment and is really seized up tight, It's gonna be a while before I really tear everything apart and get it running again.
I found the top of the piston to have a full carbon build up on it as well as fine particles of metal lying on top, so I am going to take my time here, maybe a winter

In the meanwhile, since the State of New Mexico has just sent me a $500.00 deposit to my bank account today as a fuel cost reimbursement to me, I have decided to buy the Phantom 85 motor which I could not have done otherwise...Good timing on the States

I had a long talk on the phone this morning with and have been assured of the very latest, newest, rendition of the Phantom 85 with all known problems corrected, In particular, It has the newest needle bearing for the crank.

There are also some changes in the break-in proceedures...This is the Email they sent me after talking with them so it could be posted in our forums for our members to have the right information, especially if you order one from Amazon, (Which I did to save $32.00 in shipping costs since I have Amazon Prime for free shipping), which is in error about the break-in ratios as well as duration of the break-in period printed in its ad description on the Amazon website which I notified that this must be corrected...This is a MUST FOLLOW proceedure for them to honour the 6 month warranty that they also have on the Phantom 85.

So just to make clear what they say is correct break-in so it is totally understandable for everyone,

Phantom 85 motor break in.
20:1 = 6.4 ounces oil = 310 miles for break in proceedure.
25:1 = 5.12 ounces oil thereafter.
Full Synthetic oil AFTER break-in is totally OK.

So, Thanks to the State of NM for that 500 bucks, it looks like I get to be the Guinea Pig on this one and will have to keep you all informed of any problems etc. that I may encounter, as well as hopefully all the good things as
I bet they didn't say anything about the jug clean up? Use @ImpulseRocket89 thread as your guide.
Since my Zeda 80 is down for the count at the moment and is really seized up tight, It's gonna be a while before I really tear everything apart and get it running again.
I found the top of the piston to have a full carbon build up on it as well as fine particles of metal lying on top, so I am going to take my time here, maybe a winter

In the meanwhile, since the State of New Mexico has just sent me a $500.00 deposit to my bank account today as a fuel cost reimbursement to me, I have decided to buy the Phantom 85 motor which I could not have done otherwise...Good timing on the States

I had a long talk on the phone this morning with and have been assured of the very latest, newest, rendition of the Phantom 85 with all known problems corrected, In particular, It has the newest needle bearing for the crank.

There are also some changes in the break-in proceedures...This is the Email they sent me after talking with them so it could be posted in our forums for our members to have the right information, especially if you order one from Amazon, (Which I did to save $32.00 in shipping costs since I have Amazon Prime for free shipping), which is in error about the break-in ratios as well as duration of the break-in period printed in its ad description on the Amazon website which I notified that this must be corrected...This is a MUST FOLLOW proceedure for them to honour the 6 month warranty that they also have on the Phantom 85.

So just to make clear what they say is correct break-in so it is totally understandable for everyone,

Phantom 85 motor break in.
20:1 = 6.4 ounces oil = 310 miles for break in proceedure.
25:1 = 5.12 ounces oil thereafter.
Full Synthetic oil AFTER break-in is totally OK.

So, Thanks to the State of NM for that 500 bucks, it looks like I get to be the Guinea Pig on this one and will have to keep you all informed of any problems etc. that I may encounter, as hopefully all the good things as w
So piston is seized to cylinder? Wheres our carnage pics? Well I guess your in the phantom club now! So what's up with the Zeda triple 40's?
So piston is seized to cylinder? Wheres our carnage pics? Well I guess your in the phantom club now! So what's up with the Zeda triple 40's?
I can't even get the piston to disengage itself from the jug at the moment so not much to take any pics of as of
I can't even get the piston to disengage itself from the jug at the moment so not much to take any pics of as of
Fill the crankcase with oil, used oil or whatever, even vegetable oil. Then boil a big pot of water & dump the boiling water on top of piston, then have tools ready to disassemble. Hammer, pry bar whatever you might need. If that dont work, then boil water & pour over the cylinder itself, one of them 2 ways should release piston. If that dont work use a can of coke poured on top of piston. The coke trick works on steel cylinder engines to un-seize engine, dont know if it will work on a aluminum cylinder engine.
Was riding back from the bank last Thursday, extremely hot out, stopped at a long traffic light behind a car, light changed, idiot in front had to be "beeped" to pay attention and move it...I give it the gas and the motor made a sound like a fart and
My only 2 big suggestions are to make sure the port edges are beveled and smooth, and double check the ring end alignments with the intake AND transfer port, especially on the lower ring. That seems to be trouble spot.

I know my engine isn't the greatest example of out of the box reliability since I basically rebuilt and mildly upgraded the whole engine, but I am halfway through my third tank, still on the break in ratio. Hasn't grenaded... yet