Others bikes throughout the world

I think its more than just wanting to be different, it displays a level of dedication to our art form.

With Gas well over$5.00 a gal. in Manhattan I think its time We Americans start thinking of the noble bicycle as not just a toy, but the viable form of transportation that our European brethren and strethern have recognized it as for the last 100 years.
(besides, the just plain old look cool)
I think its more than just wanting to be different, it displays a level of dedication to our art form.

With Gas well over$5.00 a gal. in Manhattan I think its time We Americans start thinking of the noble bicycle as not just a toy, but the viable form of transportation that our European brethren and strethern have recognized it as for the last 100 years.
(besides, the just plain old look cool)

Oh that would be so sweet BBB. Yet were very spread out here in the USA. I have a 50 mile round trip to work.

Another batch #22 (136 photos) Give it a few seconds to load.

http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll13/grauchosbikes/Bikes around the world_22/?albumview=slideshow

I've gotta stop looking at your posts man.... i keep seeing stuff i wanna try and i cant finish anything!
I've gotta stop looking at your posts man.... i keep seeing stuff i wanna try and i cant finish anything!

Ha!... In that case here's some more to stall ya.

While viewing those creative bike pics, I thought of the song "low rider"by War,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro4yhp9L6Ok

Yes, great tune. I tried to use it in a youtube vid and they turned off the sound due to copywrite details. I should figure a way around it. Catchy tune for sure.

Another batch #24 (140 photos) Give it a few seconds to load.

http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll13/grauchosbikes/Bikes around the world_24/?albumview=slideshow