Whizzer marketing mistake!!!


Active Member
Local time
11:49 PM
Nov 6, 2007
Southeast Pa
I wish I didn't have to tell everyone what I believe is going on in the back room at WhizzerUSA.
I must say that this info did not come from Whizzer directly, which is a big part of the problem. They are not talking much at least to the few dealers I spoke with.
First off they are moving away from the motored bike we all know and love. The NE5 is no longer being produced. I don't understand this at all. With the move in this country to fuel efficient transportation, this would be the best time to sell many updated NE5's. They have the kinks out of this product and all the dealers like the model. I truly believe they are missing the boat on this one.

I have been told they are in the process of designing the replacement for the NE5 and many changes will take place. Rumor has it that the replacement will use the bigger tires, disc brakes, reworked front forks, and a CVT drive. I know that a CVT uses a lot of power and a restricted motor may not work. If Whizzer raises the horsepower it won’t be legal in CA, because CA has a 2HP limit. Isn’t CA Whizzer’s biggest market? If so, won’t the CA dealers be out of luck?

Well it looks like the new Whizzers will all be classified as small motorcycles.
This is creating a problem for the most of current Whizzer dealers. That means all the dealers will now have to be licensed motor vehicle dealers, which is a very expensive process in most if not all the states. It also limits their target audience only to people that have a motorcycle license. Several of the dealers are going to look into a 4 cycle kit just so they can stay in the motored bicycle business as they will not be getting the state motorcycle dealer license. It's just too expensive for them. I don't understand why they are abandoning the dealers that got them where they are now.
I wish they would still make the NE5 at least for a while longer and then bring back the NE5 engine kit when they discontinue the NE5 bike. That will give the current dealers something and still get them into the small motorcycle market.
It does not make sense to me that they would just abandon this growing market share.
I know I'm not a business genius but I do know when I'm shooting myself in the foot...

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I'm not sure what marketing genius decided to discontinue the iconic NE5 model in the middle of an energy crunch. Sure, gas prices are coming down for the time being, but we all know that trend won't last. People are looking for low cost, high mileage alternative forms of transportion, and the NE5 fits that category to a tee. So why is it being discontinued? Can anyone at Whizzer give us a credible answer? Sure, a new model is on its way, but it is not here yet! Also, why is the company limiting themselves to just two models? Can't the company offer the NE5 alongside the Ambassador and the new model? The NE5 is instantly recongizable, and it's the iconic motorized bicycle. Why was the decision made to discontinue it? It makes absolutely no sense to abandon the very model that has been the company's bread and butter since its inception. So why? Enquiring minds would like to know.
HI kilroy I would like to make A point If they up the hp above 2 or loose the pedals it will put me out of my state legal hobby of sales on whizzers. I see whizzer motor bike as A nitch market ,its fun ,its old school , and its not to expensive,beyond that we all know that you can get better built basic two wheel transportion at about the same price. Whizzer has had A following for many years because of it basic old school build . (the nitch) And to be clear I have all ready told this to dave at whizzer.So I hope they dont put A large amount of us dealers and customers out in the cold. Bill Green Vancouver Whizzer
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Say it ain't so! Say it ain't so!

A few weeks ago I was in down-state Illinois for a few days. While there I went to a Farm King store and, on the way in, they wanted to sell me a 49cc scooter. It was cheaper than a Whizzer. But I just smiled and went on in. Where are you gonna find pats for something like that? And, if you park a scooter like that in the grocery store parking lot, it'll be invisible to most folks. But park a Whizzer there and, boy-howdy... "Is that a Whizzer?" "I had/wanted one of those when I was a kid."

If true, this is not a good thing for us, or Whizzer.

I just received news that Whizzer's new replacement model will in fact retain the same classification as the NE5. I had a lot of dealers that contacted me about the changes, and apparently some of the information they told me was incorrect [unrestriced motor for the CVT drive], and that Whizzer is still working on the final design. I am thrilled that Whizzer is going to produce a revised version of their classic motorbike, and hope they are able to release it very soon.

Have fun,
Whizzer OuterBanks LTD
A North Carolina Corporation
I say CVT is a good thing. I bet Quenton can get that running in the triple digits! :eek:
Evedently there is some rumors going around that are not true. here is the real information direct from Whizzer.

Dear Whizzer Enthusiasts,

It has been brought to our attention that there is a dealer that has requested information to be posted on this forum that contains erroneous information. The most important one being that the new bike we are coming out with, the Whizzer NE-R, will be sold with the same classification and limited speed/horsepower as the NE5 was. We have no intention of making this bike go faster than the NE5 and it will retain the same pedals and general frame design as the NE5. Yes, we are changing over to the Ambassador wheels/disc brakes/forks.

Regarding the CVT system, we are trying to add the CVT system to the motorized bicycle model. This is not set in stone yet but we do feel that the CVT system is a stronger drive system than the centrifugal clutch. We are going to lighter clutch springs in the CVT which increases the initial acceleration immensely and we're very excited about this.

The above information is the same information that we supply to any of our dealers that ask so I'm not sure why there is supposedly so many concerns regarding this. There are probably a few dealers that are not aware of some of this info so now, thanks to one of our dealers, this information is in the public eye before we had a chance to ensure that all of our dealers know what's coming. I welcome anyone interested in finding out information regarding our production plans to contact us directly for the correct information. There is some information that we don't share until all of our dealers know about it but we will share what we can.

Last, I sincerely regret being out of the NE5 model. Although we did plan to go through a model change at this time, we also stocked up on the NE5 model in May which we thought would last us at least three months. Thanks to all of you and a small amount attributable to the gas prices, these sold out extremely quickly. We would have loved to have had more made quickly if we could have but all of the frames were used up and our manufacturer was right in the middle of the Ambassador production and was not able to go back to the NE5 that quickly.

We are very aware of the fact that our current dealers and customers helped make us what we are and are truly thankful. We are trying to get our motorized bicycle back to market as quickly as possible. I know that the wait is difficult but am confident that the new bike will be well worth the wait.

Sincerely yours,

Debbie La Lone

Whizzer USA, Inc.
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BTW - a belt CVT with new belts is about 95% efficient. As the belts wear, they do get less efficient. But, it's a simple matter to change them.
No NE upgrade?

Does this mean that all the WC1 Whizzers out there won't be able to get NE upgrades anymore?
I got my Whizzer a few months ago & got an NE upgrade from Quenton. My bike was running bad. Without the upgrade my bike would have been junk and it only had 100 miles on it.
I told my wife that Whizzer should make an NE upgrade available for every WC1 sold because they all need one.
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