Clutch 40 tooth W/clamshell


Local time
2:46 AM
Sep 22, 2014
just finished up installing 40 tooth w clamshell I took for a ride about a mile, ran good with the new pipe and airfilter. When I got close to home I wound it out and I heard a clunk clunk, pulled the clutch in cause I thought I threw the chain. Motor was still running so I killed it. It'll roll about 10' and then lock up got it home pulled sprocket cover no problem there it was getting dark so I didn't have a time to pull clutch cover. A buddy of mine had same problem with a 36 t he said it was a sheared key I think but I can't get ahold of him. Anybody have a similar problem? Suggestions welcome, motor is just broke in
could be as simple as too much chain slack - if it is more serious, then opening both covers and rolling bike forward with the spark plug out will show where the problem is
Well I removed both covers and the plug I can't see anything visibly wrong. It rolls forward and backward about 10' with the clutch in and out, its gotta be something on the clutch shaft?? What do you think?
It was something simple, the cotter pin on the half link of my chain fell out and the pin was hitting sprocket cover. I'm lucky it didn't fall out
Well I like the 40 tooth it works good with the longer header expansion pipe and better air filter I put on. It's all lowend power and the stock 44 T.didn't work. It'll cruise at 25-27mph without straining the motor now.
Anybody have a trick for setting up your chain so you don't have to use the tensioner/roller I got lucky on my other bike I didn't have to mess with the bicycle chain. I put the 40T on another bike and I was trying to set it up with having to resize bicycle chain. I have a chainbreaker and lengths of chain for both sides.Does anyone have a good way of doing it? Or maybe one of the springloaded jobs off the sprocket cover?
I don't like spring tensioners - fairly easy to make some spacers to adjust motor position to get chain right
Ya I checked out a couple of posts on the spring tensioner so that's out. The stock setup works good, I just want to run without it. Bike is a strandcruiser so I could set up the chain motor right on, and cut the pedal chain or run the tensioner on that side I guess. Why don't you like coasterbrakes? Mine are setup with a front disc the coaster is more like a emergency brake granted there's more service on them but with clamshell its not bad.