Building A Boost Bottle From A Gatorade Bottle And 4$ At The Hardware Store


Well-Known Member
Local time
8:54 AM
Jun 21, 2021
Calhoun County, Michigan

I just got into motorized biking a bit ago, about 3 months I've had mine finished, and I just finished breaking it in.
As a kid whos trying to get a job, I cant really afford too many upgrades. I did want to get some cheap ones like a new banana exhaust, boost bottle and like a spring loaded chain tensioner. While looking though, I saw boost bottles are not anything special and just a bottle that goes into the carb. So I got the carbuerator tube that goes from the carb to the engine that has the little nozzle for the boost bottle, and just and bought another nozzle and 2 ft of tubing, got a can of NOS and an old gatorade bottle (Gatorade bottles are a lot thicker and harder plastic than normal soda bottles and they can hold compressed air) and decided to put them together with some loctite and electric tape.

This is the final product, the carb pipe comes in tommorow so I will keep you guys updated with photos and text! Tell me if I shouldnt be doing this.
I think it looks pretty cool to be honest!


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Tell me if I shouldnt be doing this.
I think it looks pretty cool to be honest!
Ive honestly got the idea of a boost bottle out of my head years ago as i have heard and seen from others that they just do not do much of anything...Wait to hear from others before doing anything on this...DAMIEN
Okay. I need a new carb. I went to the hardware store and got some 30 cent fittings and put it all together, and the stock NT carb didn't fit, so I put some Teflon and electric tape on there but the engine just ran but didn't start, like no spark and it kills If you pull the clutch in, so I went back to stock. Gonna get a new carb and will keep everyone updated!
Could be me but I think this setup looks cool!


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Yeah it was probably a bad idea, I'm just gonna get a new carb for the fitting and probably an actual boost bottle. But I will not let the Gatorade bottle boost die! Keep waiting and there will be updates.
Boost Bottles sold for motorized bicycyles are mostly a scam because they aren't designed correctly. If designed correctly they can provide a power boost within a 2000 RPM band. When people say they got a power boost from one that is usually because their carb was providing too rich a fuel mixture at partial throttle opening which the boost bottle corrected. Maximum benefit can only be had on an engine with reed valve and expansion chamber because that kind of setup is what the boost bottle was engineered for.

Your already gonna get a rich fuel mix because your carby is angled to far forward/upwards towards the motor and i have no idea where the "C" clip on your needle valve is which can complicate the matter as well...DAMIEN