KTM Build

I can understand you wanting to build a go-fast bike. Hell, we built stuff like a 6' long motorized skateboard you sat on.
A project like this is going to require paying attention to every minute detail. Right down to every little ball bearing.
If you're up to it, give it a try. It can't hurt you after it kills you. :)
It's gonna be far from safe, take this guys build for example. It is the kind of set up I want.

Yeah I meet this guy when he first finished
BTW that's my Whizzer M/B in the background

In the video you show he's riding around Murrieta CA. where I live

Why is it just doing this out of nowhere, brand new spark plug. Think it's cdi or magneto, I have a new magneto but not a new cdi.

CDI crapped out probably, also, try it again on a steel surface (ie the cylinder studs) as aluminum might not ground to generate a spark.