Legal or not

Right so my new bike been stood 7 years I tryed to start it but nothing and when I take plug out and turn it over it dumps ligied strait out the spark plug hole
Right so my new bike been stood 7 years I tryed to start it but nothing and when I take plug out and turn it over it dumps ligied strait out the spark plug hole

I hate it when ligied comes out of my plug hole.
Jimmy you hijacked your own thread lol. Sounds like the crankcase is full of liquid so you're you're either going to just flush it out somehow or you're going to be doing a complete teardown, I guess.
You should probably start a new thread in the 2 stroke engines sub-forum with the name of your motorcycle/ engine as the title as most members are more interested in reading and chatting about engines than legal status ... and include plenty of pictures. Everyone likes pictures! :)
Is it legal to have one of these strimmer engines that attach a rubber wheel to your tyre with out a chain legal
Here in California it's highly illegal, I got slapped with a 400$ ticket last time I took mine out. I'm thinking of selling it. It's just not worth it for me