Looking for tips to be able to do mine at home.
.Originally Posted by Keepthedrivetommy
Hi all,
I noticed a little while ago that my back tire does not spin completely straight like it use to. When I am riding my bike, it wobbles a little from left to right, not a huge amount but enough to notice. I feel a little unsafe, but I figured that since the drive chain sprocket is only on one side, when the motor pulls it, it is creating an uneven balance, therefore the tire wobbles. But maybe I am wrong. Is it normal for the tire to wobble a little like that, or am I putting myself in harms way?
If you need clarity of what I mean when I say left to right wobbling, I mean if you are standing behind the bike looking at the back tire, and then the tire starts to spin, the tire will move left to right and wobble. Not the entire tire, but almost like the tire is slightly bent.
Hi Tommy,
To begin, let me say....I am NOT a wheel builder or an expert.
I can true a wheel, if it's not too bad. (If not careful, I can also make a wheel bad...this is TRUE)
you mentioned that your tire seems bent. It could be!! If the inner cords have a break in them, your tire will take on a crazy free-form rolling look.
First, Is everything tight inside your axle? any side to side movement when you push on your wheel? If so, this is a good place to start. Our wheel-bearings need re-packed with grease frequently, due to our higher than normal speeds. If you use coaster brakes, that'll need generously greased too.
With your wheel off the ground....go around the wheel, squeezing each "pair" of spokes, above where they cross. Squeezing, simulates tightening. Watch which way your rim moves while squeezing. this also helps you find that pesky broken spoke.
I true most wheels, while still on the bike. I use the brakepads as a reference point.
Mark the area along the rim where it begins to be un-true. I use small pieces of tape. Using my squeeze method, I can tell which spokes need tightening.
you should also loosen the opposite side spokes first, in sorta equal amounts, so not to over-stress the spokes you are tightening.
Start with 1/4 to 1/2 turns and recheck your progress. your turns will get progressively larger as you reach the point furthest out of true, then progressively shorter as you move past.
check your progress often.
Be very careful, as it doesn't take much to make it worse. Been there/Done that!!
Patience...that's all I got for ya.