That one is easy off with
Ethanol-Free gasoline as ethanol eats through the crank seals on these motors as well as damages the aluminum surfaces and plugs up the carburetors too...Always mix in a one gallon gas container for a good vigorous shaking once oil and gas is mixed...Never pre-mix into gas tank as it will not meld properly together that way.
For breakin purposes, I use Valvoline Multipurpose 2 cycle oil available most everywhere at 25:1 ratio that will be only a gallon of gas/oil mix you will need for breakin purposes which will make two tank fulls.
I use Amsoil full synthetic after the breakin period is over with at 32:1 ratio on the Zeda 80 Firestorm motors, (Not on the Phantom 85s though, I use 20:1 mix on them).
Shop DOMINATOR® Synthetic 2-Stroke Racing Oil at AMSOIL. Find premium synthetic oil, filters and more online. Fast, free shipping available.
I also use 1 ounce per gallon of Amsoil Octane boost as well
Shop DOMINATOR® Octane Boost at AMSOIL. Find premium synthetic oil, filters and more online. Fast, free shipping available.