Golden Eagle Bike Engine setup for a newbe


Local time
9:10 AM
Jun 28, 2010

I have a very solid 20 year old pre-suspension Gary Fisher MTB set up right now for commuting. The bike has a solid set of wheels and a great set of Planet bike fenders. The bike is set up with 1.5 inch slick tires. I will put on a bolt axial on both wheels for safety.
I think its ready to go for the engine mount.
My question is looking at some pics it looks a little tight for the fenders.
My other question is the engine choice. The RS or the tanaka 33?
Fueling would be easier with the RS but it seems a lot of folks love the tanaka 33.
And another question what is a bottle boost? Is this an extra gas tank?
My setup would be very similar to Kevin Demello's set up over on the GEBE site. Kevin's bike is an awesome setup. Don't know what he uses it for but he said he has nearly 5000 miles on the setup.
The only other thing I plan on adding is a lowrider front rack for some paniers.
All questions comments and rants would be appreciated.
Also, I have a strong set of wheels but what about just getting GEBE's rear wheel with the ring installed? And, is a quick release on the front wheel safe or should one have a bolt on axial?
I have a long commute so I guess I will consider all options and opinions on a bike build.
Again I am very new to this motor bike sport. Not trying to annoy anyone! Just trying to get the right information to do this right the first time around.
Spending a few bucks is OK if it gets me from point A to point B on a motorized bike that gets close to 200 mpg.
Thanks and I received a very warm welcome to this community and I appreciate that! Just looking to build a project and come out OK. So the more information one has the better off one is.


if you'll email me your number and time zone and best time to call, i'll happily discuss your questions with you...also, calling golden eagle is a good idea, they are always happy to gab about MB'ing, and will certainly steer you straight towards a solid, safe, and enjoyable build :cool:
I am with Augi on this one as well....

They are very nice, and very knowledgeable people to speak to!

They will be more then happy to answer any questions.... as they did for myself a few months back.

The GEBE system is the greatest investment I have ever had for my bicycle, you will love it!
Hey guys,

Thanks for the warm welcome.
Augi I will email you.
And Mr. Dog I will post what happens with this build.
But I will need a little time. My house and town got hit by a tornado all is well but am just a little shy of cash at the moment. But its only money after all! My family is safe and I can still work so it will happen.

Sorry to hear about the damage,,, but glad to hear you are safe ! Material things can be replaced ! The older you get, [ like me ] the less material things mean, anyway !
Good luck with the build & you will be glad you went with a quality kit.
Sorry to hear about your tornado damage.

When you get settled, I recommend the GEBE setup. I got it 4 months ago and I have ridden 2000 miles without any problems at all. It's performance has been flawless.

I got the heavy duty rear wheel and think it was the right choice. Potholes come up so much faster that sometimes you don't see them until it is too late. Also all the motor weight is right over the rear axle, so there is additional stress on the rear wheel. I still use quick release on the front wheel and that works just fine.

I have the Tanaka 32cc and runs flawlessly. I now get 32-33 mph on the flat and takes big hills easily at 20-25 mph. But be sure to mount an auxillary gas tank to extend range. I added a 1.5 liter tank to increase my range to 80 miles between refueling.
Get the rear wheel !!!

Sorry to hear about your tornado damage.
I got the heavy duty rear wheel and think it was the right choice. Potholes come up so much faster that sometimes you don't see them until it is too late. Also all the motor weight is right over the rear axle, so there is additional stress on the rear wheel.

I totally agree with getting a new rear wheel when you buy the kit. Like I posted in other threads, the new rear wheel will come WITH the drive ring installed making your installation easier and faster. Best of luck and I hope everything turns out right.
Sorry to hear about your tornado damage.

When you get settled, I recommend the GEBE setup. I got it 4 months ago and I have ridden 2000 miles without any problems at all. It's performance has been flawless.

I got the heavy duty rear wheel and think it was the right choice. Potholes come up so much faster that sometimes you don't see them until it is too late. Also all the motor weight is right over the rear axle, so there is additional stress on the rear wheel. I still use quick release on the front wheel and that works just fine.

I have the Tanaka 32cc and runs flawlessly. I now get 32-33 mph on the flat and takes big hills easily at 20-25 mph. But be sure to mount an auxillary gas tank to extend range. I added a 1.5 liter tank to increase my range to 80 miles between refueling.

Hey thanks for the support!
Well as far as cycling goes 2000 miles in 4 months? That's a lot of riding!
Wish I could do those kind of miles on my pedal bike and I would give Lance a run for his money!
Seriously I just have a lot on my mind right now and I will motorize my Gary Fisher eventually. I am prepping the bike right now. Waiting just for some extra cash to motorize this bike. I think you will like what I am up to!
I am of course no genius just a guy that likes to ride around on bikes.
Ya know I have a blog about my ultra cycling stuff this season and I just might post a link here with some pics of our tornado damage in our town.
Heartbreaking really and my damage is just about all fixed but others are not quite so fortunate as we were.
And really its quite hard for some to understand what ultra cycling on a pedal bike is all about. I am not an ultra cyclist. I did some long rides this season but its way out of my league!
Well, to each his own. If your on any kind of bike not putting money in BP's pocket its alright in my book.
Well for whatever its worth Viva la Motors!
Its after all all about the motor as Lance Armstrong says!

It's been awhile since I posted! Sorry...
I will be getting the kit very soon. I do plan on just ordering the super strong rear wheel with the kit. Look, on my Orbea road bike I got late last year I upgraded to a super nice lite set of wheels. Cost? 1000 dollars with a set of ubber nice Conti tires! Lots of common sense on this forum so no doubt I am listening and want to have a smooth easy mount!
The host bike is all cleaned up and ready to go. I will do some additional modifications after I motorize the rig.
There is no right or wrong here but I have some ideas about gearing and such that I will get into after I build the bike.
I hope its interesting to all of you!
I am just experimenting right now and looking for pure functionality and simplicity on a bike that I will be commuting on 75 miles round trip.
I am excited about this little project and looking forward to sharing with you what I come up with!

I will be eagerly waiting to hear of your gearing ideas.
I plan on buying a GEBE setup with the uber strong rear wheel when I can afford it.

Good luck with your build!