Side swiped by a large pick up truck a few minutes ago

Wow Large... I'm late on this one, but I'm glad that you are ok. I'm really, really glad. It could have been worse. It's so hard worrying about the other guy. There are so many issues that can't be calculated. Who knows what might get you? You know? Anyway... I just wanted to say that I'm glad that you are alright. Watch out for the sidewalk man!
Just because he's deef doesnt mean that he's free from responsibility when he causes damage to someone's property, or person.

Assume that you, as a flesh and bone cyclist, R *always* invisible to smug cagers who are after all protected in their steel cages, and you will avoid being flattened by teh multi-ton maiming, if not killing, machine called car/truck.

In the meantime, helmets R cushy.
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So I changed my riding style. Side of the road but man some people be getting real close to me. One lady almost threw me off the road as I was crossing a side street. She moved closer to the curb and I had no choice but to take the sidewalk.
I went Downtown today for Bike To Work day. The free helmets they were giving away were all GONE!
Denver is a SERIOUS Biker community.
This is why I adore the bike trails. No getting killed.
On busy streets I will take the sidewalks but I will go WITH the flow of traffic. I will always make a HARD YEILD to look for right turners whenever I'm crossing a street sidewalk to sidewalk. I always wave at motorists that do see me and give way for me.
I found out something rather funny today. I actually pedaled almost 50% of the way to downtown and when I pedaled,bikers greeted me as they passed. But with engine on almost nobody greeted me.
My engine is invisible from up front with my wide body. It was weird to be accepted then suddenly not when I pull that rope.
Today overall was fun though. I followed how bikers take the streets and I have to give them some credit. They seem pretty oblivious to the dangers around them.
I'm late to your funeral, Large... but it looks like there's life after death/falling.

I'm glad you're alright, tho!!

And don't just blame the deaf guy... it takes two to tango, if ya know what I mean. J/k, but I'm definitely glad Cronus only needed minor repairs. That's great news compared to what could have been.
I found out something rather funny today. I actually pedaled almost 50% of the way to downtown and when I pedaled,bikers greeted me as they passed. But with engine on almost nobody greeted me.
My engine is invisible from up front with my wide body. It was weird to be accepted then suddenly not when I pull that rope.
Today overall was fun though.

Kinda like meeting a real pretty girl.....then finding out she's not "really" a girl at all.......DOH!

On a serious note, something I've also noticed:
If I pedal when crossing intersections (even if I'm accelerating or cruising with the motor) they SEE ME. I think it's the extra motion, honestly.

I remember seeing a post on a scooter sight, where the guy recommends slightly swerving as you approach an intersection where you don't make eye contact with the cager because they're looking for cars - the side to side movement of the headlight (especially) and the entire bike catches their eyes a lot easier. I do that now, if I can't make eye contact.

I had a short moment yesterday where I again considered switching to either scooter or motorcycle, but you can't jump onto the sidewalk in bad traffic...that's the deal-breaker for me now...and why I feel more comfortable with a motorized bike (going slower, too) than scooter.
Yea I saw a scooter today on a 45 mph street. She's maxing out that 49cc engine going about 40 I would say maybe less and the cars are just relentless not giving her any room behind her. Big truck yet. You know if she has to stop for a dog crossing the street it's all over for her.
It would be REALLY REALLY nice if POLICE implement the motored bike. Then they will know.
The more tickets cagers get for doing things oblivious to them the better for ALL of us.
Cagers need to share the road. Now more than ever.
I remember seeing a post on a scooter sight, where the guy recommends slightly swerving as you approach an intersection where you don't make eye contact with the cager because they're looking for cars - the side to side movement of the headlight (especially) and the entire bike catches their eyes a lot easier. I do that now, if I can't make eye contact.
I used to do that on my motorcycles. It doesn't need to be a very exaggerated motion most of the time to get their attention. It seems most effective against the 'California Stoppers' when you can see them looking your direction but they are still rolling anyway. I don't feel the need to do it now because I run dual strobing LED headlights which are pretty impossible to miss for anybody who can actually see. More often it would seem that they meet my expectations by simply misjudging my speed.
i touch cars as i pass i knock on there windows knock knock knock they move over and
remember me bein there iam not trying to get doored or dont want someone walking out into the bike lane and i also aim my bike a bit at them as they wait to come out in to traffic (i try to pass them with a car next to me ) to get there eye on me i came home in rush hour today and it was very windy and i was geting dirt in my eyes i had shades and the bike is very slow with high wind speeds and hard to keep straight much easyer if i hug the tank this is some of my tricks to get by 12 miles took a lot longer
Or they can get ****ed off, like me after I have spent an hour or so cleaning/detailing the car. My truck is another story, I wouldnt mind giving tows and whatnot. The news may have not gotten so far but in IN a woman shot a guy for knocking on her window; he was on a motorcycle infront of her and there was some trouble.